The Nebraska Way
Nebraskans value hard work, self-reliance, and a strong sense of community. These values reflect a commitment to personal responsibility, resilience in the face of challenges, and a willingness to lend a helping hand to neighbors in need. Most Nebraskans I’ve met appreciate honesty, integrity, and stress the importance of family. These values foster a supportive and inclusive educational environment where collaboration, respect, and empathy are emphasized. Incorporating The Nebraska Way into our educational system cultivates a sense of belonging and shared responsibility among students, teachers, and the broader community. These values, promote a work ethic that instills perseverance, discipline, and a dedication to personal and academic growth. Emphasizing Nebraska values in education encourages students to become responsible and compassionate citizens.
Local Control
Local control and parental engagement are vital pillars of a strong education system. The State Board of Education must resist the impulse to micro-manage Nebraska's educational system. By allowing decisions to be made at the local level, communities can tailor education to meet the specific needs and values of their students. Local control promotes a collaborative effort amongst parents, teachers, community members and elected local school board members, to shape the curriculum, policies, and programs that directly impact their children's education. When parents are actively involved in their children's education, they become partners in the learning process, providing valuable insights, support, and encouragement. Together, local control and parental involvement create a cooperative educational ecosystem that empowers communities, nurtures student success, and cultivates a sense of pride and ownership in the education system.
Literacy & Math
Nebraska's literacy rates are a critical concern that demands well-trained educators who can effectively address this challenge. In comparison to more competitive states, Nebraska's literacy rates highlight the urgency to prioritize and improve literacy education. By investing in comprehensive training for educators, we can equip them with the necessary tools, strategies, and knowledge to foster strong literacy skills among students. Collaborative efforts between schools, districts, and communities, such as implementing early literacy programs, providing resources for struggling readers, and fostering a culture of reading both inside and outside the classroom, can further contribute to improving literacy rates in Nebraska. This issue needs to be priority number one at the Nebraska Department of Education.
Classic Fundamentals
Preserving America's cultural foundation is crucial to Nebraska's education system as it nurtures a sense of identity, pride, and continuity among students. By integrating and upholding the rich history, values, and traditions that have shaped our nation, we provide students with a deeper understanding of their roots and the principles upon which America was built. This knowledge fosters a sense of civic responsibility, respect for diversity, and an appreciation for the sacrifices made by previous generations. Preserving our cultural foundation also promotes a sense of belonging, reinforcing positive social connections and a shared sense of community. We will have failed our students if we do not prepare them to become responsible citizens who can contribute to society while upholding the principles that have defined America's success. It’s time to get back to the basics and focus on literacy, math, and Constitutional principles. When we appreciate America for what she truly is, we know that our Declaration is worth preserving, our Constitution worth defending, our fellow citizens worth loving, and our country worth fighting for.
Fiscal Responsibility
Fiscal responsibility is of utmost importance to Nebraska's education system as it ensures the efficient and effective use of resources to benefit students. By maintaining a responsible approach to budgeting and spending, we will be better positioned to prioritize investments that directly impact student learning and achievement. Responsible fiscal management promotes transparency, accountability, and wise decision-making at the state and local levels. It prioritizes critical areas such as instructional materials, teacher professional development, technology infrastructure, and facilities. Any expenditures that do not directly enhance those goals should be carefully evaluated by the Nebraska Board of Education. Ultimately, fiscal responsibility in education translates into maximized opportunities and resources for students, enabling them to reach their full potential and succeed in a rapidly evolving world.
Teacher Retention
The teacher shortage in the State of Nebraska poses a significant challenge to our education system and the future of our students. With a declining number of individuals pursuing careers in teaching and an increasing number of retiring teachers, the shortage threatens the ability of local districts to maintain the high quality of education provided to our children. To address this issue, we must prioritize policies that attract and retain talented educators. This includes strategies such as advocating for competitive compensation packages, offering incentives for individuals pursuing teaching careers, expanding recruitment efforts, and promoting alternative certification pathways to bring professionals from diverse background into the teaching profession. Additionally, we should foster partnerships with local businesses and organizations to provide mentoring programs and professional development opportunities for teachers. By implementing these strategies, we can strengthen our education system and secure a brighter future for Nebraska's students.
Objective Learning
The primary role of public education is to provide students with knowledge, critical thinking skills, and the ability to express their own informed opinions. While education should promote a well-rounded understanding of various subjects, personal narratives impose specific beliefs or ideologies (i.e. Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) and Critical Race Theory (CRT)) onto students without encouraging critical analysis or alternative perspectives. By ensuring that public schools prioritize unbiased education, we promote intellectual freedom, respect for diverse viewpoints, and the development of independent thinkers who are capable of engaging in constructive dialogue.
Alternative Pathways
A one-size-fits-all approach to education falls short in meeting the diverse needs, strengths, and aspirations of students. Each learner possesses unique talents, interests, and learning styles that require tailored and individualized educational opportunities. By expanding access to charter schools, vocational training, and other alternative educational pathways, we can cater to different learning styles and career aspirations more effectively. Charter schools offer innovative approaches to education, allowing for flexibility and specialization in curriculum and teaching methods. Vocational training equips students with practical skills and knowledge, preparing them for specific careers and addressing the demand for skilled workers. Alternative educational pathways provide students with options beyond the traditional academic route, ensuring they can pursue their passions and find fulfillment in diverse fields. By embracing these alternatives, we create a more inclusive and dynamic educational landscape that maximizes opportunities for all students, empowering each of them to thrive in their chosen path and contribute meaningfully to society.